Sekonic helps you discover the differences in your camera system and use this information to control light, make better exposures and take better pictures than ever before. I tried with a white piece of paper and got similair results but slightly hotter than the white pieces on the sekonic and qpcard which would be correct because white paper often uses. The sekonic l758dr is the most dynamic light meter that one can find in the market. Incident light readings are, in fact, the simplest and most direct way to determine exposure. Generally i feel that the meter gives more consistent results than the average metering mode of my camera bronica etrsi but still i would like to be more precise than just. Since writing this, the new calibration target ii and version 2 of the sekonic data transfer software have been released. I can make all the settings but if i press the measurement button it doest show anything. Sekonic l customs services and international tracking provided devaca co.
Apr 20, 2012 sekonic sr3500 hybrid optical reader sekonic sr3500 hybrid optik okuyucu. The better your problem and question is described, the easier it is for other sekonic l 758d digital master owners to provide you with a good answer. One of the manuals page of the l758dr presentation pdf manual says that i could download camera exposure profiles from sekonic. It is also sealed to withstand the harshest of weather conditions. No light meter weve encountered offers such a wide range of capabilities. Many optional items gives more easy and effective to use.
I give sekonic permission to provide me with information about their products and services, and related product and services from sekonic s affiliates. Welcome to the sekonic l758dr quick start fivepart video series. Ich beschaftige mich seit einiger zeit mit hdrschwarzwei. The hardware is combined with an omr reader to recognize filledin optical marks bubbles and checkboxes on forms, which automates the data collection process. Basically, this thing confuses the crap out of me, what i though would be some what simple has. In photography, there are many items we would buy if only we could find a viable reason for putting down so much cash. You can use a number of different targets, including some of the xrite color targets, but i. By running an easy calibration test using sekonics l758dru, one of sekonics exposure profile targets purchased separately and the available dts v3. The sekonic l758 digital master is a series of hand held digital exposure meters with the abililty to measure ambient and flash light.
The only meter with flash duration measurement, hss measurement and an increased 3 stops of sensitivity. Expert advice and a full range of help and support services come as standard to all our customers. Welcome to the sekonic l 758dr quick start fivepart video series. This camera manual library is for reference and historical purposes, all rights reserved. One final word on light meters in general, and why having one is an asset to your business. The digitalmaster l758dr offers four light meters in one. Light meters gauge the intensity of light in a scene, and let you set optimal exposures and shutter speeds. It is able to record incident or 1degree spot readings for strobe andor ambient lighting with an accuracy amounting to tenspot. Sekonic l758d digitalmaster ce version ce version ac. Before using your light meter, please read this safety precautions carefully and use it properly. The sekonic 5 degree spot viewfinder for the litemaster pro l478d, l478dr lightmeters is an attachment spot viewfinder that features a 5 metering area for more precise, reflectedlight measurements. Im pretty sure that the seconic 758 cine, would be the best choice for me, but today i went to a used equip store and i found used sekonic 758d in a very good condition, for half its retail price. Using a sekonic spot meter for film photography darkroom dave.
Compact omr scanner for letter, legal, a4 omr forms. I just picked up a sekonic l758dr and im getting acquainted with. The new sekonic l758dr digitalmaster lightmeter gives you precision when it counts most. Provide a clear and comprehensive description of the problem and your question. For mixed lighting scenarios, the sekonic l758dr digitalmaster displays the combined exposure values of both flash and ambient light sources, including the percentage of flash in total exposure in 10percent increments. Review sekonic light meters, general photo accessories. Digital light meter for ambient and flash light digital light meter for ambient and.
The meter is versatile to perform either incident or spot metering of ambient and flash lighting. The sekonic sr 2300 hardware scans and processes data from surveys, tests and other office forms. The better your problem and question is described, the easier it is for other sekonic l758dr owners to provide you with a good answer. The l358 features a retractable incident lumisphere for standard or cosine corrected light readings, provides both hemispherical and narrow angle readings.
Buy sekonic l758d l758d digitalmaster digital light. Sekonic digital camera operating manual l758dr l 758d l758 68 pages measuring instruments sekonic l608 cine operating manual. Sekonic flashmate l308x photographers and film makers exposure meter blackblue 4. By flashambient analyzing function, the sekonic light meters simultaneously read both flash and ambient light automatically in order to analyze and display. Buy sekonic l758dr light meter black online at low price in india on. The better your problem and question is described, the easier it is for other sekonic l758d digital master owners to provide you with a good answer. While capable of incident and reflective readings, they also have a builtin view finder for use as a 1 spot meter. Sekonic digitalmaster l758 digital lightflash meter. Buy and sell used sekonic camera equipment at keh camera.
Sekonic speedmaster l858du light meter 401858 sekonic l308xu flashmate light meter 405 sekonic l358 flash master light meter. Ask the question you have about the sekonic l758d digital master here simply to other product owners. Save up to 40% off retail price and get a 180day warranty. I have used sekonic meters for nearly fifteen years now and use them all the time, never the camera meter. I mostly use a sekonic l508, because its smaller and lighter, but also have an l758d as a backup. Profiling a sekonic 758 dr open photography forums.
L758d case cr123a lithium battery strap lens cap usb cable syncro terminal cap cdrom. It can record incident or 1degree spotreadings under ambient andor strobe lighting down to a tenthstop in accuracy. Find sekonic l758 and sekonic l758 cine from a vast selection of light meters. Digitalmaster l758dr measuring instruments pdf manual download. Sekonic flashmate l308s digital lightflash metergrey 4. Hello, i cannot make any measurements with my l758dr. Buy sekonic l758dr light meter black online at low. Windows 2000, windows xp, windows vista are registered. Sekonic l758dr digitalmaster ambientflash light meter. Sekonic l758d light meter camera profiles podcast 501 martin. L 758d case cr123a lithium battery strap lens cap usb cable syncro terminal cap cdrom. The sekonic l758cine has become a tool that i cant imagine working without. I have bought a sekonic l 758d, when setting the aperture in aperture priority and taking a reading, a number appears after the aperture selected, what does this number represent. Dec 28, 2015 the zone system has kind of fallen into the shadows as digital enables us to see our images instantly, and view information like the invaluable histogram even before we release the shutter, but the zone system is still a useful tool, and something worth taking the time to understand whether you use ansel adams original exposure techniques or not.
Sekonic l758dr digital master light meter john aldred. Sekonic l758d l758d digitalmaster flash light meter for. The sekonic l758cine digitalmaster is the ultimate lightmeasuring tool for cinematographers, videographers as well as digital still shooters. To create the profile, you need a sekonic exposure profile target ii. While most modern cameras feature integrated meters for measuring light, separate exposure meters deliver better results by allowing you to measure illumination levels in precise areas, and not just the average light in a scene.
The sekonic l758dr incorporates a precise 1degree, reflected light spot meter. The better your problem and question is described, the easier it is for other sekonic l758 cine owners to provide you with a good answer. Buy sekonic l758dr light meter black online at low price. View and download sekonic digitalmaster l758dr operating manual online. Subscribe we use cookies to make sure you get the best experience on our website. By running an easy calibration test using sekonics l758d, one of sekonic. So can someone tell me us the cine version exactly the same as the. I have bought a sekonic l758d, when setting the aperture in aperture priority and taking a reading, a number appears after the aperture selected, what does this number represent. The l758dl is exactly the same except that it comes with a pockewizard transmitter installed make sure you get the correct one for your location us and europe use different frequencies, hence different modules about time they did an elinchrom transmitter. It measures flash, ambient, incident or reflected light, and will customize them to your camera or film type. The following profiles, source files, and training material is offered free of charge and with no warranty or guarantees expressed or implied. Get the best deals on sekonic l 758 when you shop the largest online selection at.
Below is the step by step process for manually entering a specific exposure profile. Input tray has adf auto document feed, it can set 50 omr forms at once. Sekonic l758dr digitalmaster flash meter 401758 greentoe. For example a large 16 followed by a small 7 is simply f16. The sekonic l158 autolumi is a reflected type exposure meter. For sr1800seriessr3500sr3500hybridsr6000sr6500 sr6500hybridsr1. To learn more about our cookies policy, please read our privacy statement. The new sekonic l758dr digitalmaster is the worlds first multifunction light meter than can be programmed to match the sensitivity of digital camera sensors or types of film for perfect exposure control. Free sekonic software download sekonic software for windows. It is my hope that everything provided here will be a useful resource to you as you set out to use your light meter during preproduction and on set. Sekonic operating manual digital camera l758dr, l758d, l758. Apr 29, 2014 and the sekonic l478 gives you the tools to do just that, so that you avoid any potholes along the way. I have a sekonic l758d light meter, can anybody tell me, when the meter is in aperture priority mode what is the number to the right of the set f.
The target also doubles as a graywhite balance card. L758d read user manual online or download in pdf format. Creating a profile for the sekonic l758d light meter. Buy sekonic l758dr digitalmaster flash meter features flash,ambient,incident, reflected light, allweather design. The l758dr digitalmaster offers all the features found on the popular l558r dualmaster, however, thats where the similarities end. I recently purchased a sekonic 758d light meter, to accompany my canon 20d and 580ex, i will be using pocket wizards which are yet to arrive. I have a sekonic l 758d light meter, can anybody tell me, when the meter is in aperture priority mode what is the number to the right of the set fstop, i have read the instruction manual and it. My personal choice is the sekonic l758d also marketed as the l758dr and l758 cine that allows for exposure profiling based on the exact characteristics of the cameras sensor and includes precise feedback about exposure latitude in any given situation. Using a handheld meter is actually the lazy mans solution to cut down on post.
The tiny size is great, but i do miss the 1degree spot meter built into my l558 and the newer l758. Also, since i am buying from hong kong, the prices for the standard and the cine version are almost the same. Ive had this sekonic l758d meter a while now, but have only just created a profile for it, to utilize its full power. Reflected light metering tells you about the subject. Sekonic l758d light meter camera profiles podcast 501.
Ask the question you have about the sekonic l758 cine here simply to other product owners. Sekonic l758dr digitalmaster ambientflash light meter at. Digitalmaster l758d, digitalmaster l758dr, digitalmaster l758cine. These are the valued that we read with the meter earlier. The only meter with flash duration measurement, hss measurement and an increased 3. View and download sekonic l758 operating manual online. Reflected light spot metering the sekonic l758d incorporates a precise 1degree, reflected light spot meter. Using the sekonic l758dr light meter and sekonic exposure target plus free data transfer software, you can profile your digital camera and lens combinations. In addition to saving you a lot of time and, thusly, money, a meter is a professional tool that clients will appreciate seeing in use on their shoots.
The zone system and light meters in digital photography. Jan 22, 2014 this video shows how i calibrate my sekonic l 758d light meter to my camera by creating a custom camera profile using the sekonic dts software. Appropriated scanning speed approx 30sheets min with higher accuracy. Sr3500 is the standard omr scanners of sekonic for scan small card to a4, letter legal applicable. The sekonic l758cu flash master is an advanced, yet easy to operate, exposure analyzing light meter, that incorporates the latest technology in handheld meters. Free sekonic software download software at updatestar 1,746,000 recognized programs 5,228,000 known versions. Ask the question you have about the sekonic l 758d digital master here simply to other product owners. The sekonic l758dru digitalmaster light meter for pocketwizard system provides the best way to measure lighting for the utmost in control anywhere in studio or on location. A new meter specifically designed for todays digital cameras. View and download sekonic l358 quick manual online. Our video on the sekonic data transfer software explains what it does when used with the sekonic l758dr light meter or l758 cine and the sekonic exposure target and how to use it. Continue reading sekonic l758dr digital master light meter. The following optional functions make sekonic omrs more effective and easy in use. Sekonic operating manual digital camera l758dr, l 758d, l758.
The sekonic l758dr digitalmaster is simply the most dynamic light meter you will ever own. The small number to he right is the fractional part of an f stop. Different from incident light metering that produces readings only for the middle of your cameras exposure range, reflected light metering can also show you where the edges are. The cards used are the target from sekonic and a qpcard both recommended for calibrating the meter and both 18% gray, and both have the exact same problem. Sekonic digitalmaster l758dr operating manual pdf download. Start with your base settings dialled in with the camera in manual mode. View online or download sekonic digitalmaster l758dr operating manual. This tutorial was created using the original calibration target and version 1 of the sekonic data transfer software. Im not so crazy about switching out the dome for the viewfinder to take reflective measurements. I am somewhat confused about the best way to use this meter for that purpose. Nov 12, 2010 does anybody have experience using the seconic l 758d in connection with the zone system. Approximately 3,500 pages 500 forms 60db 14 x 9 x 22.
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